But I have this innate feeling that since I can never loathe something one hundred percent...I must hold love for it. And with that I am going to have love for him for a very long time. I wish things could have changed magically. I don't want to live a lie..so I guess this has come to an end of either a illusional cycle of beginnings. I get really hollowed and contradictingly(real word?) sad inside. Last night , after the call I made s many thousands of times...I still didn't get that sense that this time if you gave him a chance he might change..things might actually go in your direction..then I glance momentarily into my future and realized because things might not actually change I can not ... give him another chance...I am losing energy and gaining death. Like I am spending energy writing this post bcause I feel like I need to release this stress from my chest and uplift my soul.