watch me =]
Looking For
Thursday, April 29, 2010
i lost my best friend ...again
and its over the same things
so was he my best friend to begin with?
Reexamining all these factors in my life and reevaluating my circumstances has led me to believe that a lot of things are meant to end. i realize more an more that i am becoming disappointed because foolishly i expect a lot. now this does not mean i am soon to become pessimistic or simply means that i am going to slow down ..keep my hopes up but slow down.
what are these little red bugs all around the AUC?
I pray that i make it to india.i pray that my car will be okay.. i pray i can come back to spelman.
i pray that PSG will be all it was envisioned in my mind to be ( with the Creator's hand). i pray i will never give up on life and i pray someone out there will appreciate me solely for shapel.
no questions. no strings attached.
its a beautiful day out here and its funny how when i'm by myself and with no one around ..i can exhale.
when everyone is around i inhale it all and i feel it all around.
HAHA the security guard at the library just said SMILE...and you know what i did.
i will continue to do
cause Life is Good. =]
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
This class really blows mine. But I'm not about to act crazy. Lol this man swears everyone wants to work for IBM and every "tip" is related to working in a suit and tie in some sleazy corporation.
Need for this class to be over so that I can go to my bed and chill , I can not wait to get to India but first I must make it to New York City. I miss my baby love , we never get to play and hang out.
Need for this class to be over so that I can go to my bed and chill , I can not wait to get to India but first I must make it to New York City. I miss my baby love , we never get to play and hang out.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Dearest Most High
Cloud #9
Paradise, Heaven 123
To the Creator,
and what it would take if i gave my life away
just so that they could stay
and make a change
i guess its selfish that i want you(them) to do better
and never
give up hope.
i see the beauty
in my people
and the light in their eyes
and i hear the hymns of freedom
and i hear the silent cries.
in a society where you're pressed to steal another's spot
i can see how being yourself is not
popular or trendy
and how we can't help each other out but we can cop a new fendi-
and i guess its a black person's curse
to always want to rock
diamonds, pearls, silver and gold
but i was told
the true wealth resides in the bling of your soul...
and my mother my father - cause the creator you are one,
i never was the perfect type
i could barely make the prototype of being the One.
Just help me , guide me in the understanding
cause if i do fall off this cloud,
i'll be grounded in my landing.
some people won't believe the things i've thought about
some people can't imagine the things i've dreamt about
forever in your image
thats the best shadow in front of me
not blinded by the truth -i shall always let it be
my eyes are always open but
somehow i can't fully see. . .
Love By No Measures,
your child shapel.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Humps and Bumps along the Road
I just finished washing my hair and I feel so much better. Its something about washing hair that is really deep...well at least for me. I massage my mind with my fingertips , smoothly and with care. I wash away the stress and the pain. I put the puzzles of my thoughts back in order. I love Beauty 4 Ashes and Carol's Daughter..anything thats natural and aromatic.
So I decided that after I slay this Spel-folio, Art Project , and ADW paper...I am gonna chill. Chill like chill was my middle name.
I want to study herbs and plants.
I need to learn more about the Earth and the Cosmos.
superficial things leave this hole in me...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Part Deuce In A Truce To Nico * --about 4//20
Recreational fun ,
Hotter than the suns
your lungs are screaming.
respect you life
be real to dreaming..
Hotter than the suns
your lungs are screaming.
respect you life
be real to dreaming..
the beat , the drum all has meaning.
time does not exist-but this
this superficial bliss
this aromatic kiss
is a DIS
to my Creator
the one who made ya,
the one who saves ya,
the one who bathes ya in Love.
SO why
why do we find more and more excuses to turn to drugs,
a new age but old days
Mayans and Egyptians
had different ways
the modern youth
lack respect , individuality and cooth.
Television is the premonition
of a future based on
zombie eyes and slurred diction.
and Monsters dedicated their growls to me but I thought I was yawning..
time does not exist-but this
this superficial bliss
this aromatic kiss
is a DIS
to my Creator
the one who made ya,
the one who saves ya,
the one who bathes ya in Love.
SO why
why do we find more and more excuses to turn to drugs,
a new age but old days
Mayans and Egyptians
had different ways
the modern youth
lack respect , individuality and cooth.
Television is the premonition
of a future based on
zombie eyes and slurred diction.
Life is Fiction.
Spielburg was over my head the other morningand Monsters dedicated their growls to me but I thought I was yawning..
How I Feel about the Crutch of Weed. 4/20/010*

i get high
i get high
i get high
all the time
and no no no
i do not smoke nickel and dimes
but i got a bag of funk
like Digable Planets
and my honest truth please
don't reprimand it
respect i demand it
peace i command it
love and life...
i'm still trying to understand it.
Why we hurt each other and fall on false statements wearing the mask of truth..
why we gotta get high and hide our tools
of pure spirituality
and by God I mean I must
make clear
Bob Marley is my hero and my heart to him I hold dear.
But Brother Bob and Teacher Marley
you didn't want cool kids to just say gnarley
you didn't want hip youth to just be"daring"
sit up all day and night staring
and void of all life's caring
staring into their mirror of fear
they close their eyes twice
cause their dreams they couldn't bare.
No one told them
its okay to rely on Self
and learn to love the Soul and the Heart
before they take flight on a few moments of stark unfulfilled joy
you see life is not a toy
but we all have to play
i'm not the judge so i have no say
on that day
but your body is a temple
and your mind is a prism
so shine and continue to pray
no disrespect to 4/20,
but big ups to September and May.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Shapel the girl with many names...
i called to say hello
you answered to say goodbye
i wanna lift you up
you drop me from the sky
i land on the cloud
you make lightening streak
i had to speak
you called me weak
i wanted your love
you wanted my joy
i told you meant the world
you played me for another girl
i am happy for you
you will never understand why.
They say tears dry on their own
even in an empty room
i will not be alone.
Give me grace
Give me space
Give me a taste
of the sweetest shrug
the question of
messing up
a real thing.
whats actual and factual
i could know less
and you're the number 2 fronter
on to the next-
but i don't think we're done
although you think you have the remote
be free
set sail
life's a boat
i know they told you it was a dream
I have so many confessions to relay. I am sinking because I am holding on to a lot of dead weight. My problem I believe is that I think too much and I contemplate. I do not wait but I waste. Moments are not to be wasted. I fall in love everyday. Its so hard to fall out when its like a ladybug on your shoulder. . .
I learn everyday but these lessons make me feel like I am staying in the same place. But I know I must be growing...
If only If only
I wish I can untie that knot that sits inside of my stomach. I wish that I wouldn't fall and get all these bruises. I wish that people can love me for what I am. What I stand for.Why I sit.
As I listen to the song that sings about my life , I think about the most recent relations I've had with people.How I have dived in feeling empty and that had to be my most beautiful and biggest mistake. Love is.
and although I am not looking for love , I do adore it.
I miss the way things always start out.
the sweetest beginnings
and I want it to be the sweeter endings.
but ...
there it goes.
THAT desire thing.
I learn everyday but these lessons make me feel like I am staying in the same place. But I know I must be growing...
If only If only
I wish I can untie that knot that sits inside of my stomach. I wish that I wouldn't fall and get all these bruises. I wish that people can love me for what I am. What I stand for.Why I sit.
As I listen to the song that sings about my life , I think about the most recent relations I've had with people.How I have dived in feeling empty and that had to be my most beautiful and biggest mistake. Love is.
and although I am not looking for love , I do adore it.
I miss the way things always start out.
the sweetest beginnings
and I want it to be the sweeter endings.
but ...
there it goes.
THAT desire thing.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I read earlier that the more you care less about what people think , and this means truly care less , the more free you become...
i am changing.
and i pray to the most high that this is all for the better.
people do not see the in-sanity to my daily.
let me put it this way,
--------i fall hard.
i swear to god.
or rather the creator
that i always cry later
and laugh now
and its no more masking now.
i need to bask and bow
before the light
im tired of the fight
i am wrong and right
you think i'm loose
but i think you're tight
you need to just let it be
like the four london boys
let it be.
i am changing.
and i pray to the most high that this is all for the better.
people do not see the in-sanity to my daily.
let me put it this way,
i take expo markers and write full length letters to the Lord on my mirror
leaving inscriptions " i am writing on this mirror to
become more like you , so
that when i look in the mirror , i remember this
...i am your child."writing this paper has me thinking about other things and being in this lounge
has me wanting to scream. i am not angry right now. i am hurt? but i deserve it
? one deserves to be hurt.they say.
they always saying something.
they always say that shapel never makes sense and shes so so cool and she has immense amounts of stylebut
all shapel is thinking
she makes non-sense so it must be true like non-fiction. her diction unmistakenly common. shapel's a finger on a hand , seperate but needs the rest ,the hand. she has no style. besides life.
i just want to live.
in peace.
in love.
in here.
in there.
just let me breathe, please.
--------i fall hard.
i swear to god.
or rather the creator
that i always cry later
and laugh now
and its no more masking now.
i need to bask and bow
before the light
im tired of the fight
i am wrong and right
you think i'm loose
but i think you're tight
you need to just let it be
like the four london boys
let it be.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
if you could know that i care so much about you
and the fact that i see so much hurt and lost everytimeyou come around me..
when i look at you i see a little bit of shapel in you.
you wonder why and how love could do you like that you like i once did,
but that was not love baby that was a step-cousin
it really didn't mean nothing.
and you mean the world to me
you are my everything
and i want to chase you and make you believe
but im no houdini
i'm tired of running
and i don't have the mojo -martini
i'm just saying how i feel
and i am becoming tired of
losing you
losing you
and gaining heartache
time after time
i hope
soon you'll understand.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
So what itches me a bit is the topic of legacy,endowment and expectations. People and separations and privileges. Just because someone else in your life was one thing are you a carbon copy? Are you suppose to be...Suppose ? Did the Creator implement you to be an exact. A same. In so much space why would we follow footprints. But I'm not saying be oh so unique but I'm just thinking why do we have to things if we know there is a possibility it doesn't feel right...
i finally felt something.
In a room full of real human beings, I felt that this can't be it. Out of place.I'm not trying to be deep nor profound , I'm just saying whats on my heart right now at 1:48 am. I'm tired and I'm weary of people and their self-importance and I guess I contradict myself.
I know we are someone in the face of the Creator but why do we want to run things be the head of the show and know and know..
WHY are we so fake? I feel like I should tell people about themselves and I guess I'll have to take blows? Cause I can't stand the phony-ness and I can't sit it out. I'm no judge but why does my heart tell me you're not right. And by no means am I.
Can we just live it up? with no worries and no commitments besides to life itself? being ..pure..
i really can't worry about this anymore...i love you all. i really do
ya'll gonna be the death of me.
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Creature called Shapel
“You have to be someone.”-Bob Marley
“Me only have one ambition, y'know. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white, Chinese, everyone - that's all.”

sometime my mind wonders away from me...
Have you ever seen a dreamer in real life ? -going fast in real life but it seems slow.
My life is a definition I'm still trying to find amidst all of this chaos. I am so lost and I really want to find myself. But I'm starting to think that maybe I am suppose to be here and maybe all of this isn't mislaid but in fact this is the exact place I should be right here and right now. Maybe my success is not defined by them or its quite possible that even my greatness in the face of the Creator, hasn't been witness yet.
I won't put myself on a pedestal and I won't stomp myself so low. I'm indescribable. Thats all I can think of. I want it all but nothing at the same time. Hopefully this will all work out in the favor of whats right and then whats left is that I was just a regular girl moving at a pace in tune with the world.
I think rather I know I am beautiful and kind because I look like my mother and not a soul can deny that beauty. I love my mother so much and I know next lifetime she will be a Queen with roses and lillies attached to her feet. I'll pray everyday for her health.
I know I'm tough , clever and human because I am my father's daughter. I am his. He has made many mistakes but I call the lessons and we are both learning in this day and at this present time. I take the weight and I play the cards well , I have a way with words. Daddy. Remember I called you that a few times. But I'm just like you , emotional but I won't tell the world. =)

“Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold...”-Bob Marley
Remember the moon in Nigeria , Agbogo? How we stayed outside until your mom called us and told its bedtime lol. The moon was so beautiful and full of promises and hopes and a portal for better.
i'm so sick of being deep
i'm so tired of being simple
Let me think , give me alittle bit of time to place myself in a spot long enough so I can look in the mirror and say: " Thats it."
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”-Bob Marley
So I'mma Stop
Proceed with Caution
Yield with Love and
Slow Down with the Fast Life
and Go Live Naturally.
Mr.Marley is so right and I sweared before all of you that this man was my hero. One of the many. Love really doesn't leave me alone. No matter how many times I might try to forget it all , I remember how good it is to have Love. There is so much more love in this world than hate , its just waiting to be put frontstage and get its 15 seconds of fame , (A.Warhol)
now exhale.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
alltrue,stick. 3/09/010*
i don't need no speaker.
i don't need no mic.
i don't need your beef.
i'm a vegan , iight.
i don't wanna fight.
i don't need your drama.
i'm a sitcom for the masses.
life is a lesson,
gotta take extra classes.
credits rollin'
feeling it all through your eyes.
lets see through tinted and lucid glasses.
cause you should know
not all humans are savage.
theres a light above
the love below
got me all -
here i go
caught up in a rapture
kodak couldn't capture
the Meds can't sedate it.
not right in the head
left around the bend,
counting to ten
waitin' for the dark to come in..
in time's -essence
fills your presence
i got my blessing
no i'll never mess it
and when you 2 inches away
its not okay,
i always miss it.
experience a song from your mouth.
i never thought i would see beauty
in this living tour
1st look
i was sure
and i fell for your allure
good thing.
great thing.
makes me wanna sing
songs of the past.
good things.
great things.
should always last
nothing is forever
unless its the greed for this chedda
although i wish it better
forecast the same weather
we can be alright;--
if we stay together
keep our minds sunny love and never
let the haters know their close and clever
we can stand the disasters whatever
cause me away from you my heart they will severe
put it in your pocket, cop it out tuck in, whenever
and if they ask you about with no doubt remember
i was true to you furthermost
and if you ever get lonely let me be your host<3
i don't need no mic.
i don't need your beef.
i'm a vegan , iight.
i don't wanna fight.
i don't need your drama.
i'm a sitcom for the masses.
life is a lesson,
gotta take extra classes.
credits rollin'
feeling it all through your eyes.
lets see through tinted and lucid glasses.
cause you should know
not all humans are savage.
theres a light above
the love below
got me all -
here i go
caught up in a rapture
kodak couldn't capture
the Meds can't sedate it.
not right in the head
left around the bend,
counting to ten
waitin' for the dark to come in..
in time's -essence
fills your presence
i got my blessing
no i'll never mess it
and when you 2 inches away
its not okay,
i always miss it.
experience a song from your mouth.
i never thought i would see beauty
in this living tour
1st look
i was sure
and i fell for your allure
good thing.
great thing.
makes me wanna sing
songs of the past.
good things.
great things.
should always last
nothing is forever
unless its the greed for this chedda
although i wish it better
forecast the same weather
we can be alright;--
if we stay together
keep our minds sunny love and never
let the haters know their close and clever
we can stand the disasters whatever
cause me away from you my heart they will severe
put it in your pocket, cop it out tuck in, whenever
and if they ask you about with no doubt remember
i was true to you furthermost
and if you ever get lonely let me be your host<3
just Blaze 3/15/010.
your mind might be on
in the sky or on the ground.
my mind is on a Rocket,
soaring and pouring
raining up
a brillant holocaust
i guess i'm mentally ill.
a firecracker,
thats moves like a projectile
i'm still a slacker...
and never full.
cause i'm using 4%
from my pre-tense;
straight as a whistle
zig zagging like a
I am Light.
just Blaze.
on a piece of tissue 3/16/010
pretty soon,
i'll be this memory.
in the near past
that may visit your far future
with my translucent presentce;
this vivid youth
that plays
in my mind,
brings out the best in me
and you
brought out the warmth
and intimacy of a
of fate.
real life is but a dream
and i'm always awake
so this thing we have
i'll never call it a mistake.
i'll be this memory.
in the near past
that may visit your far future
with my translucent presentce;
this vivid youth
that plays
in my mind,
brings out the best in me
and you
brought out the warmth
and intimacy of a
of fate.
real life is but a dream
and i'm always awake
so this thing we have
i'll never call it a mistake.
latenight earlymorning talkingsoulyawning 3/18/010*
have been beaten.
stomped to the ground.
lost looking to be found
trying to find a way.
find a way
out of all these
on my destination,
wherever that may be
and if
just maybe
just maybe
if you could
feel where i'm coming from
and how i just seem to be
you could see
the beauty and light
i couldn't cage inside
the bird that sings a song
for my pain and laughter
and how lovely it sounds
even after
the tears have dried
and my heart skips awkwardly
easy it never has
and never will
one day might not come today
or tomorrow
and i can't be mad or live life in sorrow
about my yesterdays
there are times when i will feel down
and then i remember above all
i have life
and how dare i look below at my feet
bowing and not receiving
this love
this love
some how
manages to remind me
when all else leaves
and no matter how much
i will alwaysfeelfail
that love
will always be here.
thats real.
stomped to the ground.
lost looking to be found
trying to find a way.
find a way
out of all these
on my destination,
wherever that may be
and if
just maybe
just maybe
if you could
feel where i'm coming from
and how i just seem to be
you could see
the beauty and light
i couldn't cage inside
the bird that sings a song
for my pain and laughter
and how lovely it sounds
even after
the tears have dried
and my heart skips awkwardly
easy it never has
and never will
one day might not come today
or tomorrow
and i can't be mad or live life in sorrow
about my yesterdays
there are times when i will feel down
and then i remember above all
i have life
and how dare i look below at my feet
bowing and not receiving
this love
this love
some how
manages to remind me
when all else leaves
and no matter how much
i will always
that love
will always be here.
thats real.
butter loaves 3/26/010*
people do ugly things
things they really can not truly mean.
why would they defiantly be mean
to me...
i just wanna love you like hov said
and i'll share my heart,the fish and the bread
like jesus did
just cause i love you.
but you don't know what you got until its gone
so long
and we will never make that beautiful song
unless its goes unwrong
but i might
no i'm pretty sure i'll meet you
treat you
greet you
next lifetime.
when when are in our right minds and we left places of
cause today i only know death is for sure
and its a beautiful transition.
*not suicidal , few will get this.. i'm working on the true genius.
things they really can not truly mean.
why would they defiantly be mean
to me...
i just wanna love you like hov said
and i'll share my heart,the fish and the bread
like jesus did
just cause i love you.
but you don't know what you got until its gone
so long
and we will never make that beautiful song
unless its goes unwrong
but i might
no i'm pretty sure i'll meet you
treat you
greet you
next lifetime.
when when are in our right minds and we left places of
cause today i only know death is for sure
and its a beautiful transition.
*not suicidal , few will get this.. i'm working on the true genius.
soon come 3/29/010*
all these demons
to be in my future
to torture
the spirit
to diminish
and finish
my road to
good life.
but with much strife
and a cool stroll
i will rise above
with my feet on the ground.
let me go
let me go
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
even if you can't understand me
let me be me
after all
everyone else is taken.
ps:thanks to dani boy for making life alright. sisters before cousins*<3
to be in my future
to torture
the spirit
to diminish
and finish
my road to
good life.
but with much strife
and a cool stroll
i will rise above
with my feet on the ground.
let me go
let me go
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
i just want to be me
even if you can't understand me
let me be me
after all
everyone else is taken.
ps:thanks to dani boy for making life alright. sisters before cousins*<3
Min Tha Ripper 3/29/010*
Loving you is easy because
you are Beautiful,
Loving like this lies (only) in the stars,
this is blissfully true.
contribute to this extreme joy
that bursts from my heart and creates
a halo of
pure grace and good vibes
around me
over me
under me
the world watches
from below
who knew humans could fly?
who knew my wings-
could not come from a girl or a guy.
dedication to Minnie Ripperton<3>
you are Beautiful,
Loving like this lies (only) in the stars,
this is blissfully true.
contribute to this extreme joy
that bursts from my heart and creates
a halo of
pure grace and good vibes
around me
over me
under me
the world watches
from below
who knew humans could fly?
who knew my wings-
could not come from a girl or a guy.
dedication to Minnie Ripperton<3>
@thelibrary a sudden thought 3/30/010*
i honestly do not try to be poetic
i dont even think im trying to be real.
and most of the times
i really do not know what to feel.
one day my flame could possibly go out
and i might give up
but i'll leave this earth on two feet
never in angular forms
straight up.
and im not empty
so fill me up
with negativity or positivity
either way
im going to use it
fuel it
to my rocket.
i can't apologize for blowing out sockets.
charge it to your speaker.
maybe next lifetime i might be meeker
i dont even think im trying to be real.
and most of the times
i really do not know what to feel.
one day my flame could possibly go out
and i might give up
but i'll leave this earth on two feet
never in angular forms
straight up.
and im not empty
so fill me up
with negativity or positivity
either way
im going to use it
fuel it
to my rocket.
i can't apologize for blowing out sockets.
charge it to your speaker.
maybe next lifetime i might be meeker
Love Tour 4/02/010*
above my head
and under my feet.
i have been here before...
Its all too familiar,
to this place again.
But nothing is new under the sun;
so i can't be the only one.
Feeling like this:
maybe i'm the only one you cease to understand.
all day and everytime I pray.
You can dig in deep
and see my soul
To the solo
of your melody.
Tell me
this is a permanent dream.
Dirty Money
but the Steelo is Clean.
Undercover and Overtop
I am what I am;
in a world full ofcan'ts
this is nothing less
nothing more
than my love tour.
above my head
and under my feet.
i have been here before...
Its all too familiar,
to this place again.
But nothing is new under the sun;
so i can't be the only one.
Feeling like this:
maybe i'm the only one you cease to understand.
all day and everytime I pray.
You can dig in deep
and see my soul
To the solo
of your melody.
Tell me
this is a permanent dream.
Dirty Money
but the Steelo is Clean.
Undercover and Overtop
I am what I am;
in a world full of
Shapel can.
So allow me to spill
rainbows of light
decked out in aspirations
of mental vacations
with tricked out dedications
to those that came before me
and those i'mma do it for.
this is nothing less
nothing more
than my love tour.
Try Me 4/09/010*
So I guess I am the Idealistic Realist
who Dreams with her Eyes Open
She blinded by the Light
and can understand why its so Dark
Humans are tender creatures
with Egos
overshadowing their existence
but thats all your Ego is a shadow...
Always there
may scare you
may make you seem bigger
may make you seem smaller
is a failure
cause we all need to be nearer
and closer
cause its Kosher
to want and need to be
and hugged
and told you are Beautiful
and its a duty too
but I do it with Please
and ease
cause I believe
I can change life to be more Shapel-like
or rather
and yes
I am a Beautiful Mess
and Yes
Best Believe I Bes Blessed
and Truth Over Fact
I am Just Like The Rest.
Press Play.
Try Me.
who Dreams with her Eyes Open
She blinded by the Light
and can understand why its so Dark
Humans are tender creatures
with Egos
overshadowing their existence
but thats all your Ego is a shadow...
Always there
may scare you
may make you seem bigger
may make you seem smaller
is a failure
cause we all need to be nearer
and closer
cause its Kosher
to want and need to be
and hugged
and told you are Beautiful
and its a duty too
but I do it with Please
and ease
cause I believe
I can change life to be more Shapel-like
or rather
and yes
I am a Beautiful Mess
and Yes
Best Believe I Bes Blessed
and Truth Over Fact
I am Just Like The Rest.
Press Play.
Try Me.
the slamming of these doors
the banging on the doors
the rising of the voice
the mess
the shallow thoughts
i feel and see around me
is draining my soul.
from the heart
i'm trying my best to not be in the dark
for too long
and i know I get tired sometimes
but "they" need me to be strong.
shut up.
fall back.
let me exhale.
the banging on the doors
the rising of the voice
the mess
the shallow thoughts
i feel and see around me
is draining my soul.
from the heart
i'm trying my best to not be in the dark
for too long
and i know I get tired sometimes
but "they" need me to be strong.
shut up.
fall back.
let me exhale.
Mr. Marley

I swear to you all that Bob Marley is one of my Heros. I get his message without the weed. No disrespect but in this age and in this society I can't have my vital organs crying out do you hear me? I need oxygen and you putting death in offense to my herbal lighters. But some people feel that weed is the world and there is no other way to see life. But I'm gonna stop here because I am no criticizer or judge for this life we gotta live. Right now. I'm done..I can't get too deep. Free myself.
love me while I can smell the flowers. <3
I'm with Danah and we are at the Greater Hopewell CME Church. Today is the day that we are serving the community of Atlanta. It is so beautiful out here , the sun is out and its a cool breeze coming through at least under thee trees, little bbirdies are chirping and all of this makes me feel tranquil and at happy ease.We are going to be installing energy efficient lightbulbs in apartments so that their energy bills do not cost as much :) well time to get off my Mollie.
Friday, April 9, 2010
People breaking hearts is an unsolved mystery. I am gonna sulk for 5 minutes and then I'm gonna smile and free throw your energy back into the universe with positive notes. I need to be on my grind and hustle my chat and chit. So no more time , valuable time shall be spent on things not progressing. I want people to come with me but I can't make you. I just stole this poster from Solo.
People breaking hearts is an unsolved mystery. I am gonna sulk for 5 minutes and then I'm gonna smile and free throw your energy back into the universe with positive notes. I need to be on my grind and hustle my chat and chit. So no more time , valuable time shall be spent on things not progressing. I want people to come with me but I can't make you. I just stole this poster from Solo.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I think I can make it , I mean 120 hours after today is not a long time...right?
Either way I am going to continue to pray that I make it. This green concoction is so familiar and it reminds me of my great and late Aunt Nandi who was a vegan. She would always have this tall bottle of green mixtures in the refrigerator. Her spirit was so pure and I miss her a lot. I know she can see me and I know she will be one of those voices in my head that whispers forward.
But this is what I want ...or rather this is what I need to let go of most lol.
and its funny because I don't even eat cake like that. !
Day Two: These are the Times...
I survived. It is so hard. I am my biggest motivator along with the Creator.
Just five more days and then I can see the results of the seed I sowed. =)
I'll make it ...although the green juice I made tastes horrible.
Hopefully that opinion will change or else too bad because this is something I just need to do.
Be Back Later , I have a class in twenty minutes.
Monday, April 5, 2010
So just for the clear up of things...I am doing this spiritual fast in which for seven whole days Shapel will be consuming liquids only. I know I will get irritated because I am going to have this strong desire to chew. But I have faith and devotion to grow closer to Self and the Creator.
I wrote the above around noon and now it is 10:34 pm and I want to do more than chew ...I want to chomp. There is so much negative energy around me pleading me to give up and this is only day one.
I just have to survive for six more days ...please.
Day One : So it began...
I practice forgiveness so that I , too, may be forgiven, for it is the will if the Creator.
It is such a beautiful day outside ...everyday I see now , I see with so much beauty.
Despite all that occurs I am really lucky to be witness it all.
Now I hope I have supporters out there and I hope you guys are praying for my survival through this so that one day soon I will be a guide on our path to purity.
As for now I have to walk to Save-A-Lot and get some greens...
This day will be updated and until then remember that I sincerely love. I am. I sincerely love.
Peace& Blessings.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Now that I have some of your attention...
Have me in your prayers and in your thoughts...please and thank you<3
I am on a journey...I probably shouldn't be searching but there is something inside of me that needs to be fulfilled and I am at this stage and point in my life where I can not wait, I can not stop and think about what people think about me you perceive the end of the day I have to wait and sit back and analyze if you would even MATTER at the end of the day?
you do.
So this is why I am doing it for Self and more importantly for the Love of you.
In time you will figure it day it can be oh so simple.
**That was of no effort to emulate Ms.Badu but to show that I am trying to find myself...and see how much I care about society's thoughts on how I should live my life.
So the wireless is not working here ... I am taking this as a sign that Shapel doesn't need to be on the computer at the moment. Maybe she needs to put her little Mollie, which is my Blackberry, down. After I post these empty thoughts, I will read my Heal Thyself by the wonderful and beautiful Queen Afua. School is almost over and I guess I can not wait. This summer will be one of deep reflection. I am having previews of what it will be like now.
Because a lot has happen to me in my life , as in everyone's life , I think I'm going to sit up or rather lay down and just ponder about it all. The fact that I put my heart into this leaves me with one of two things and they are both on the extreme side of things: great pleasure or great pain.
I'm not asking for a superman , I'm not even asking for you to fully understand...I just want you to feel me , just a little bit.
Because a lot has happen to me in my life , as in everyone's life , I think I'm going to sit up or rather lay down and just ponder about it all. The fact that I put my heart into this leaves me with one of two things and they are both on the extreme side of things: great pleasure or great pain.
I'm not asking for a superman , I'm not even asking for you to fully understand...I just want you to feel me , just a little bit.
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