“You have to be someone.”-Bob Marley
“Me only have one ambition, y'know. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white, Chinese, everyone - that's all.”

sometime my mind wonders away from me...
Have you ever seen a dreamer in real life ? -going fast in real life but it seems slow.
My life is a definition I'm still trying to find amidst all of this chaos. I am so lost and I really want to find myself. But I'm starting to think that maybe I am suppose to be here and maybe all of this isn't mislaid but in fact this is the exact place I should be right here and right now. Maybe my success is not defined by them or its quite possible that even my greatness in the face of the Creator, hasn't been witness yet.
I won't put myself on a pedestal and I won't stomp myself so low. I'm indescribable. Thats all I can think of. I want it all but nothing at the same time. Hopefully this will all work out in the favor of whats right and then whats left is that I was just a regular girl moving at a pace in tune with the world.
I think rather I know I am beautiful and kind because I look like my mother and not a soul can deny that beauty. I love my mother so much and I know next lifetime she will be a Queen with roses and lillies attached to her feet. I'll pray everyday for her health.
I know I'm tough , clever and human because I am my father's daughter. I am his. He has made many mistakes but I call the lessons and we are both learning in this day and at this present time. I take the weight and I play the cards well , I have a way with words. Daddy. Remember I called you that a few times. But I'm just like you , emotional but I won't tell the world. =)

“Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold...”-Bob Marley
Remember the moon in Nigeria , Agbogo? How we stayed outside until your mom called us and told its bedtime lol. The moon was so beautiful and full of promises and hopes and a portal for better.
i'm so sick of being deep
i'm so tired of being simple
Let me think , give me alittle bit of time to place myself in a spot long enough so I can look in the mirror and say: " Thats it."
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”-Bob Marley
So I'mma Stop
Proceed with Caution
Yield with Love and
Slow Down with the Fast Life
and Go Live Naturally.
Mr.Marley is so right and I sweared before all of you that this man was my hero. One of the many. Love really doesn't leave me alone. No matter how many times I might try to forget it all , I remember how good it is to have Love. There is so much more love in this world than hate , its just waiting to be put frontstage and get its 15 seconds of fame , (A.Warhol)
now exhale.
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