Looking For
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Two Men Killed In Silver Spring, Md. Car Crash
I guess I’ll see you next lifetime…
To all the people in this beautiful Earth..Shapel loves you if no one else does. I guess whatever can be handed simply cannot be taken for granted. The AUC community has just let two big beautiful spirits float on. This hurts a lot but I know it is good for our souls. God is simply reminding us..The Creator is trying to speak to us, and I hope we all listen. “Most Intellects do not believe in God..” but you will fear him all the same.
I know all my loving ones that have passed on from this visual sphere of our world is still here and they are all talking to me and trying to tell me something. Whether it be Shapel its time to come on home or Shapel you have to look… I’m trying to make sense of it all although I do not believe I’ll understand it. But if I can just make sense of it all then I believe I can be somewhat alright and the pain will soon turn to smiles and laughter.
I don’t think its death I’m scared of ..I think it’s the fact that I more than likely won’t know and I will not get the chance to console the hearts of love ones. I really hate to see people pain. But I guess pain is a simply a part of this street we call Life.
Life is a block on the street and death..ha! Death is right around the corner.
But does it all stop at corners?
A block is composed into a square ..Life is just one block. We have corners but then we have another block…and we must continue. We do not stop.
I like circles and all but I love squares. There is more sense and nonsense in squares..
And the power of triangles…I’m still trying to figure out.
A Flash of Great Light
Dearest Khalifah,
What to even say? And then to look on the brighter side although it is so hard to find ..what is there not to say? You were so beautiful. Majestic.Outstanding.Lovely.Funny.Smart.PoliticallyRight.Spiritual.Faithful.Loveable.Kind.Creative. and every other adjective that’s full of light and purpose..they are all you.and so effing soulful…I love you soo much. God knows. The Creator and you can now see my pain… I wish although these wishes are too late or…just in time, I wish we could have hung out more. I wish yesterday wasn’t the last time we spoke. But is it truly the last time we will speak because I still hear you little voice=] I still feel how big you were going to blow up. You like all other greats was set out to change the world. In fact, I think you did. I asked God nicely on June 19th when Tiana died to please spare me another heartbreak. But the Creator had other plans…plans that no matter how many books I read , how many places I travel, how much money I get, how many materials I possess foolishly…still, I will not understand. You see I was so anxious to read my e-mail of your ideas..and at my job in India I got a chance to go on the computer so I checked and there it was and then I went on Twitter and naturally there was you “@NappyHeadHI – I sent it” but then I looked on FaceBook and all the other tweets and I said dear God PLEASE , not somebody I know. I look in utter confusion and denial at another face that is TOO familiar. You’re going to watch over me I hope. As you ccan see it took me a while to open that e-mail…I’m scared. I’m really scared. I asked God so many times today am I next. If I am I guess its no use in fighting..it’ll be my time but I feel as if I have so much to do. ..but I’m no judge.God Blessyou and your brother…your family is hurting but I know they will be strong. Due to their wishes and due to the light, I shall celebrate your life. Khalifah, I really want you to come back. I really meant I would give both my kidneys for you and Tiana..tell her I said “Hey Girl Hey” lol . Dag. We were both kings lol. Except I was always questionable because I’m a girl. I know both my kidneys can never be enough for the worth of your soul and I guess there is nothing I have that can bribe God..but if I did and if God had one weakness like chocolate or ice cream or a new shirt or something …I’d buy and sell it just for you to come back. Too amazing for words. I’m just thinking of all the things you had planned. But don’t even sweat it. Shapel is definitely go through with your plans. I’ll keep that creativity you always had alive. Those films we were about to collab on…picture them done..and done with love. Cause that’s what I’mma do put so much love and care while keeping it true. Just like you. Khalifah, I’m learning, I’m growing and God I’m loving. Still.
Ps: I’mma see you on the deck realll soon*
I love you and You , Khalifah live inside of me,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Letter To My Sister....

Dear Tiana,
Hey…Wow. So this is the news I get when I’m in India. So much beauty all around me. So much beauty in life. Life…See I promised myself that I wouldn’t be scared of death because I never would know life and all its wonder. But…you’re gone…and I know I’m just a small girl in this world but I still think it was too soon. Did you have to go so fast? I mean we only had small talk every other day. You know what I’m talking about the typical “Hey Girl Hey” the “Hey” with the smile. You always had a smile onJ Remember that time we were both in front of HH and you wanted my cardboard box and I was like huh? And you were like I’m a Lumberjack J and then I was like sure. LOL. You were a good lumberjack that cold Halloween. Dag. I mean you didn’t even start you major. I mean we all just got out of ADW with straight heads lol. See I’m trying to laugh but this really hurts. I’m still young. I’m still trying to understand why people have to go so soon but then I say what is time…I confuse myself a lot. When I saw the tweet and the FaceBook statuses …I said who. But then I saw the face. The pretty beautiful face and my heart broke because I knew there was so much else behind that pretty pretty face. I guess its way too late to request you as a friend now…and its way too late to come visit you on the other side of HH. Dag. Again it took someone going above and throughout the Earth to make me realize that all that nonsense that Hate and that Jealously and that Petty stuff is ignorant and foolish. Cause without notice or a Calendar mark stating that you would be taken away from us on June 19th 2010, it doesn’t matter. I hope you’re passing into the light allows all of us to unite and love one another for real. I can personally declare that I, Shapel will just let love and pure peace emanate from my being because there is no such thing as a tomorrow. There is only what we remember. I am going to pray for your soul<3>
I love you.
No clichés.
No labels.
No Hate.
Pure Love and Truth.
Friday, June 18, 2010

La Roux - In for the Kill
They said we can never reach love but what is love without lust.
I'm going in for the Kill ....
Shapel: but with much peace.
Too bad I understand their ways with plunder.
God said Thunder
Plow Pow Pat
Sit Back
and ease ya mind on this track
and take a trek on the trance of this beat
I wonder
and then I wander
as I pondered thoughts of limits named zero.
Rated R.
i guess its real.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
WTFLICK is Shapel Monique?
oh and how could I forget....

Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Logged On June 6th 2010
I will say this , I am not like them but we are one in the same.
I respect my spirit and I live up to my name.
Shapel I Are.
and I will continue to be
even when these chemicals in the air be trying to erase me.
You can chase me
but I'm no where running-
Far from your ideas
because I guess I'm a cloudy dust in your mind
I guess I'm a preaching tape so please unwind
and rewind your thoughts back to a place where life was
Well I can't cause Life is now.
But thats another note
about limitless zeros and HIlife pipes
puff puff tote
but don't pass it to me unless it purity
put in there in me
deeper than any man could ever lay his 2-12 inches
and better than the satisfaction of dissing all you-
i'll never curse you out
cause thats the first step to dragging my self down
Can I be Captain Obvious? Yes You Can they say.
More cliques than a band of chicks
and not chic at all
just click and clack clucking
like ducks and wagons and remote controls
but no buttons
virutally you are journeying no where
and I know nothing
but this something that you think you elevating to
is simply depreciating your soul
and leaving you feeling heavy but its not gold
its not lead
and you are perhaps using to much of your head and not enough heart
because you think you are free
and you constantly repeat this
in syallbles of
one two three
can freedom come that easy?
lets bask some more in worldy pleasures cause of course that is what pleases me.
and this is what life is all about?
right here right now.
but let me say one thing before you nod off,
it may be right here and right now
but i left there and now was always this thing of the past.
Now, is really a moment ago.
So living life so whimsy and "free" as you can go
is what I would like to take to defy because
quite frankly,
i've never been status quo.
but i'm predictable.