
Disclaimer: All things are influenced. Even my own words. Nothing here on Earth is new with relation to the Sun. I borrow images, I capture images...I read...and I copy and paste some things and then I create things that are influence by all the energies around me.
Love is like...

Looking For

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Here at Spelman College ,

I have been losing tracks of things. I use to love to take pictures,read books and eat from pure life. I can barely keep my head on straight now. Finally eighteen and "legal" , whatever thats suppose to mean. Tired is my middle name and I've adopted the habit of being pushed pass the limit. I am slowly and surely destroying myself. Since I have come to this sudden realization , I will cease all these acts of destruction. I am a hue man. I need to rest and I can not be expected to act as if I were a robot or some other lifeless being. As I was sitting here researching information for my ADW paper , I said to myself " Self , you should post a blog " My self said " Yeah you should." So thats what I did. ( Selena would get this!)

Speaking of Selena , I need to call Ms. Keddy and Ms.Levine back! I miss New York slightly. I do not know if it is New York I miss or if it is the monotonous daily events that take place in Atlanta that makes everything seem so bad. When I cam home for Fall Break I was beyond happy. Time literally flew by me , I felt as if I stepped off the plane only to turn around and get back on.

Good thing Thanksgiving is coming up, I do not know why I would be so excited seeing that I am a vegan =\. But breaks = time with family +time with friends. =D!

I am a godmother to Xiomara's beautiful babygirl=D! Her name was suppose to be Shapel. Secretly. But thats fine I'll just call her Shapel to the second power or something of that sort.

Well as cut up and all over the place that this blog is I shall get back to work.
I am so exhausted.


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