
Disclaimer: All things are influenced. Even my own words. Nothing here on Earth is new with relation to the Sun. I borrow images, I capture images...I read...and I copy and paste some things and then I create things that are influence by all the energies around me.
Love is like...

Looking For

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Letter To My Sister....

Dear Tiana,

Hey…Wow. So this is the news I get when I’m in India. So much beauty all around me. So much beauty in life. Life…See I promised myself that I wouldn’t be scared of death because I never would know life and all its wonder. But…you’re gone…and I know I’m just a small girl in this world but I still think it was too soon. Did you have to go so fast? I mean we only had small talk every other day. You know what I’m talking about the typical “Hey Girl Hey” the “Hey” with the smile. You always had a smile onJ Remember that time we were both in front of HH and you wanted my cardboard box and I was like huh? And you were like I’m a Lumberjack J and then I was like sure. LOL. You were a good lumberjack that cold Halloween. Dag. I mean you didn’t even start you major. I mean we all just got out of ADW with straight heads lol. See I’m trying to laugh but this really hurts. I’m still young. I’m still trying to understand why people have to go so soon but then I say what is time…I confuse myself a lot. When I saw the tweet and the FaceBook statuses …I said who. But then I saw the face. The pretty beautiful face and my heart broke because I knew there was so much else behind that pretty pretty face. I guess its way too late to request you as a friend now…and its way too late to come visit you on the other side of HH. Dag. Again it took someone going above and throughout the Earth to make me realize that all that nonsense that Hate and that Jealously and that Petty stuff is ignorant and foolish. Cause without notice or a Calendar mark stating that you would be taken away from us on June 19th 2010, it doesn’t matter. I hope you’re passing into the light allows all of us to unite and love one another for real. I can personally declare that I, Shapel will just let love and pure peace emanate from my being because there is no such thing as a tomorrow. There is only what we remember. I am going to pray for your soul<3>

I love you.

No clichés.

No labels.

No Hate.

Pure Love and Truth.


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