
Disclaimer: All things are influenced. Even my own words. Nothing here on Earth is new with relation to the Sun. I borrow images, I capture images...I read...and I copy and paste some things and then I create things that are influence by all the energies around me.
Love is like...

Looking For

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beamer by KiingDonPellyoso

This is a picture I just sketched real quick ..on a day that was supposed to be dedicated to homework. But I decided its time for me to stop focusing strictly on academia and give way to the other things in life that are just as important such as skill. I am passionate about drawing and I am simply in love with art and all its form. So this is Beamer. I created her at first because I am going through the phase where you question your nappy and happy hair...in an environment where all is straight,"bad" and model-type...where does natural and nappy come into play. I am at the weird stage in which I do not know exactly how I feel about my locs anymore but I do know this was partially expected....I mean truthfully I am only at my 7th month but it will be my 8th soon....and I guess I am selfishly and impatiently wishing and hoping for immature growth....and that is not the truth. The truth is what I strive for... So Beamer..is my pledge to be free in a sense ...to recognize roots and to be REAL. To portray and exude light and to take light all i from around her. A winged creature is on her eye because I realized with right sight......you can go to outer limits.

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