
Disclaimer: All things are influenced. Even my own words. Nothing here on Earth is new with relation to the Sun. I borrow images, I capture images...I read...and I copy and paste some things and then I create things that are influence by all the energies around me.
Love is like...

Looking For

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Confessions of a Dream
Tragic flaw
was the love of the people...
and how I pictured a world so just and equal...
and how I cared so much--
but I didn't care enough...
and how things pushed me down --
but I was just too tough...
edges were too rough.
And I looked everywhere...
and even in me--
but I did this all self -conscientiously.
Holding myself against me ?
And I just couldn't see...
the sense in this.
So I pictured this...
I will be the change...
I must rearrange...
the feelings of animosity ,
and replace it with some curiosity...
about a world so sweet ,
sugar can't compete.
A world so right
it would never be wrong...
to do what you want .
To get what you need
and to succeed
no matter the nature , the color or creed
of a person.
Us as people
and we are all equal.
No doubt that we could do it.
If we put our soul , heart and minds to it.
We all have to pursue it.
And I will not be afraid.
No! I will not be afraid to be real and start
something the Higher Being has for us all to finish.
And only as one.

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